Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolutions

1. Get my to do list completed before February! My goal is January 15th.

2. Lose baby weight, plus some extra baby weight. I'd like to feel comfortable for that wedding in May, but I'm not going to kill myself... it will only be something like 12 weeks postpartum. But afterwards, I really have to kick it into high gear. I havent been below a certain number in years, and that is my goal...

3. Date night once a month with DH. We need it. However, if you skip to number 7, you'll see that we may have to do our date nights at home or on the cheap around town.

4. Read 12 books this year, one new book per month. I am a slow reader, so I'm giving myself a month to read a book. For me, that should be do-able.

5. Maintain a cleaning schedule. I actually started this last week. So far so good, wiping down counters on a daily basis, putting dishes in the dish washer as soon as we use them, vaccumming every 2-3 days. I need to work on the laundry one, realistically I need to do a load per day.

6. Actually take care of myself and try and put myself first... shave my legs more often (I know it's gross and probably TMI), keep my eyebrows looking nice, put make up on every morning, make time to work out. I know it's silly, but it's so I dont feel so frumpy! I need to be a little more selfish too. I know it's crazy, but it's so that I dont put myself on the back burner, which I tend to do without realizing.

7. Save more, spend less.... we'd like to buy a house in the late summer.

8. Enjoy my kids and my husband, let them know every day I appreciate them in some way.

9. Spend more time at church... both going to mass and maybe.... volunteering.

10. Try and not curse so much... it's way too easy for me to speak like a sailor in my everyday colloquial language.

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