The 3-footer is taking swim lessons as of yesterday! I hope she is having fun with it. Some of the parents there are kind of crazy. I heard one of them pretty much scolding her kid about keeping his arms straight and stuff when diving, freestyle, etc. These parents act like it's a swim meet. Then here come along the Johnson family to mess that up :D Muahahahaha. The 3-footer kind of flails all over the water, but she is making a HUGE effort and I am SO proud of her! She has no idea :) Considering we haven't been to a pool in forever, she is doing really superb. She surprised me pulling herself out of the pool, worked with the instructor on kicking with the kick board, and even went underwater today (ok, ok... it looked like it may have been an accident, and she kind of freaked out in the heat of the moment, BUT she keeps saying she went underwater today in a very excited fashion). She is learning "rocket arms" to dive, but her dive at the moment consists of making "rocket arms" then just jumping straight ahead, not necessarily diving. That's ok, because she does it so awesomely well :) Have I mentioned how proud of her I am?? I know things were scary for her not having any friends there, but she seems excited about a couple kiddos in the class now. Hopefully, the next two weeks will show some improvement :) I'd love for her to not be as scared in the water, that is my ultimate goal from this.
The wee-1 is eating rice cereal 1x per day now. She is getting much more giggly, I really got her going the other day, it was pretty cute. She seems to have a good schedule down.
7-7:30- wake up, bottle 6 oz
9:30-10- bottle 4-6 oz, then nap
11:30- 12- wake up, bottle 4-6 oz, rice cereal 1 tbsp + 2 tbsp formula mixed in
2-3- bottle- 6 oz, then nap
5- wake up, bottle- 6 oz
6- cat nap
7-7:30- bath
8-8:30- bottle 4-6 oz., bedtime
She usually drinks between 30-36 oz of formula per day. She is blowing raspberries now (let me tell you how fun that is with a mouth full of rice cereal... me and my hair LUV it ;P). She is sitting up for longer periods of time, and if put in a standing position, will hold herself up pretty well on a chair/couch/ottoman/coffee table. She doesn't roll around a whole lot. This isn't to say she doesn't, she just doesn't do it that often. She began life sleeping on her back, went to her tummy like big sis, I had a scare (it was nothing in actuality), went back to her back, started waking up in the middle of the night, so she went back to the tummy when we moved, then after getting the whole rolling over thing down, she went back to her back since she would roll in her sleep and end up on her back and would get startled. Whew, that was long. So now she sleeps on the back, the entire night. I guess she is most comfortable that way. She seems to find her paci by herself in the middle of the night if she wants it. Pretty nifty (for me at least).
Me and the hubs are doing better. We went on a date last week! Martinis at a local martini bar. It was really relaxing, not obnoxious. Nice music, nice conversation. I had such a great time with him. He even HELD THE DOOR open for me and opened the car door for me :) It was a really great date night, and I am SO glad we went. It's the little things in life that make me happy.
We are still adjusting to living with my sister (T.T.) and her hubs (T.O.), but it is for the most part going smoothly. At least, I think so. There are some things to work out still, and I think I'm going to bring that up to T.T. and T.O., otherwise we are becoming one big happy family.
School for the hubs start Aug. 24th. I need to VERY quickly figure out what I'm doing. Go back to school or stay home with the girls? Hmmmm, decisions, decisions. If I go back to school it will be MUCH harder than where I was at last for nursing school. It is a BSN program, not an ADN, and takes up alot more time during the week. I'm not sure how it would pan out with kids. If I go back, I need to take classes THIS semester, and need to sign up for them basically, um... now.
So tomorrow my goals:
1. Take the 3-footer to swim lessons
2. Visit my grandparents/the greats to work on some stuff
3. Call/Visit nursing school and ask about a class
4. Depending on the call, turn in FASFA stuff and register for classes
5. Fill out SNAP forms
6. Call about the girls insurance coverage from CHIPS
IF I have time I'd like to do the following:
1. Take girls to pool in the evening
2. Mail BG diaper
3. FINISH birth announcements (sorry if you still havent gotten it!)
Ok, and I leave you with a random.... WHY do I always get this add on facebook?
Whew! I need to go to bed then. Anyways, hope everyone out in cyberworld is doing well! Goodnight folks!
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