Thursday, December 31, 2009

The end of a decade

I've been contemplating something clever to write here for the last day of 2009. Maybe something intellectual or something that makes you say "hmmm... interesting Maria". Nothing is really coming to mind, so I'll just begin with the month of December.

As always, December was another busy month. So here is my mind just going off with everything I can think of that has happened. I finished my two online courses with A's, and bumped my overall GPA to a 3.0. I got a laptop over Thanksgiving, I don't remember if I mentioned that or not. I got a new car! A 2009 Chevy Malibu, and I love it. We celebrated my parents wedding anniversary in the church as they renewed their vows. The first weekend of December was spent at a Christmas party for the hubs work. It was fun, but akward (always is when you know absolutely no one!). I went to my orientation for the nursing program I start in January 11th (coincidentally, our 5th! wedding anniversary!!!). Went to a good-bye party for one of my best friends the second weekend in December. Cried alot as we said goodbye. Met up with another one of my best friends for dinner at her house with her family. I sewed tons of stuff for gifts this year! I went back to College Station to help friend pack and say good bye again (that was hard!). Celebrated Christmas Eve at mass and at my future sister-in-laws parents' home. Enjoyed a Christmas Day breakfast/brunch with family. Watch my girls open tons of gifts! And spent this week organizing our room (almost done!).

Whew! That's alot of stuff. No wonder I'm always so tired.

The 3-footer has had a busy month as well. She had her first ballet recital and did wonderful!! I'm so very proud of her. She was so scared at first to go in the room when she saw the crowd. It reminded me of myself when I was young (and still how I can be sometimes). She got over her fear though, and did wonderful. She spent part of the month sick and missed her entire last week of school. She enjoyed Christmas so much this year! It was so fun helping her write her letter to Santa, and seeing her get excited by reading his note the next morning! She tore into gifts delicately at first, then like a mad woman later! She is so sweet, playing with her sister all the time! I love hearing them laugh together! She is great at drawing these days and really working hard at learning how to read (now especially more that she has a Tag reader!). I saw the most worried look on her face when she saw her aunt come home from the hospital today post-surgery to repair a torn ACL. She was genuinely scared and worried about her, but calmed down a bit after I explained this to her.

The wee-1 is taking steps!!! What a big girl! She is signing things, specifically more, food/eat, and milk. So the basics! She is saying what sounds like dog to any animal and saying Di Do (which I think is Tio, her uncle) and Di di (Titi, her aunt). I also catch her saying "all done" and many MANY occassions. The poor girl has endured a pretty sick month just like big sister. She has a double ear infection, is on nebulizer treatments for her cough/wheeze like big sister, and yuck coming from her nose. If it keeps up, she will have to have tubes, because she is now on her 3rd antibiotic in very little time for ear infections. She enjoyed her first Christmas, and was DEFINITELY spoiled by all sorts of friends and family! She didn't quite understand the opening of the gifts, but she was excited by what was inside (who am I kidding, by what was outside too... can't fail with good ole tissue paper!). Tonight is her first new year's eve, and her and big sister are asleep soundly in their beds.

So the end of an era is quickly approaching. It is t-minus one hour until 2010. This decade, let alone this year has been quite a crazy one. The decade had many historic things happen, including Y-2K, September 11th, Hurricane Katrina, the Tsunami of southeast Asia, wars, Hurricane Ike, more wars.... I myself have had so much growth. The beginning of the decade was marked by my graduation from high school, then going off to college for the first time. I found my first love, lost my first love, then found my TRUE love. I married my true love and I grew and birthed two of the most beautiful baby girls ever. I went back to school, left school and will begin the next decade by going back one again to school. We moved 3 times in College Station, then moved again this past year after the loss of the hubs job. The hubs went through 4 jobs while we were in College Station during our marriage, and he is on his 5th one. We moved in with my sister, and had many humbling experiences.

T-minus 52 minutes until 2010. I pray and hope for many things. I pray for the continued health of my girls, husband, myself and other family and friends. I hope to have an amazing year in school for myself and my hubs. I hope to be more organized and healthier. I pray my girls will continue to grow into the wonderful people they are becoming. 2010 has lots to look forward to, school, wedding (my sister-in-law in the summer), a vacation to who knows where (nothing is planned, but I am determined to take the girls somewhere!), and a much better life. 2009 kind of went to the crapper. Things were tough, but this year will be different. I'm thankful we got through 2009, but hopeful 2010 will be nothing like this past year. Hears to a new year and new decade!

Goodbye 2009, it was fun knowing you.

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