So here is the biggest news of the weekend... I got a new sewing machine! Nothing too spectacular, a Singer is all we can afford right now. BUT, compared to what I was using before, it's AWESOME! So for my first project on the machine, I whipped up a pair of pants (idea stolen from my friend G, and her awesome sewing abilities). BTW, the brown jersey knit fabric came from an old shirt of mine, and the ruffle fabric was from the remnant cart a long time ago. So they were dirt cheap. Don't mind the fact that I spent $36.?? at Joann's on I think 8 yards of different fabrics, 5 yards of elastic, and some D-rings (for an apron I'm also making the toddler for Christmas). I plan on making the 3 footer some more pants for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and just for fun :)
For this pair of pants I used this tutorial I found online from this blog...
I've grown just a tad bit addicted to the craft blogs :D
Here are pics (I have more I took with the hubs camera, but got lazy and just took a couple with the cell phone, like I always end up doing):

The 3 footer was pretty creative too this weekend. We've been working on our Christmas Shrinky Dink magnets all day today for family, that I did similarly to this one here (not using the ink jet shrinky dink, just regular stuff that Sophia colored):
The first one is using the Shrinky dink frosted, ruff n ready. I was not a big fan of it, it came out kind of clear. Lo and behold, I go to Michael's a week later and they have solid white, not roughed up (the instructions say to lightly sand it... I wasn't a fan of it sanded either, it was messy looking). So I grabbed a couple packages of the solid white. Also, the first practice one that I made is using the 8.5x11 sheet cut in half (hamburger style... yall know what I'm talking about?). The one the 3 footer made uses a whole sheet. I took a pic with my hand holding it to give an idea of how much it shrinks.

Nana and Buelo are my parents, while Lyle and Beau of 2 out of 4 (or 5?) of their cats. (ETA.. I just realized after I posted my fingers are starting to swell, so don't mind the muffin top popping over my wedding ring!)

Speaking of creative.. can you guess what this is?

That would be a garbage truck/garbage man, her new obsession. I'm hoping that doesnt stick and she moves onto other things like... oh I don't know, doctors, lawyers, etc... no reason in particular ;P
Then for the randomness of the post...
For those that know me, they know I am part of a mom's group, that has both an online forum for us to post. We get together, go out to eat, meet up for Bunco that we sometimes play ;P, get together with our kiddos for playdates. Anyways, we went out to eat last night for dinner, and behind us there was a table full of some fifty-something y.o. ladies. They were having such a ball! I started laughing because I instantly thought, "OMG, it's the mom's group in 30 years from now :P!" I thought it was great, and hope that I can maintain the close friendships I have accrued via the mom's group for many years to come :)
Of course, the hubs took a picture... he's not creepy, I swear. I think he took it because I got so much amusement out of seeing them. Thankfully, their faces aren't clear or else I wouldn't post it! Don't mind my shoulder/boob in the shot. I tried to lean out of it.

And finally, we all got hair cuts yesterday. I love my stylest.... all three of us got haircuts for $35. That is including the tip! Granted, this time I was not as pleased with how it turned out, but I dont really care that much. So here are the hubs and 3 footer waiting on me to be finished.

Awww, the pants look super cute! Now I want to make more (the oldest child has been begging but I haven't been inspired). We are addicted to shrinky-dinks too... we like the clear, hate the frosted, but I didn't even know there was solid white, will have to look for it.
Cute, really they are!
Look at you getting all crafty! WTG on the pants. And man, your 3 footer looks an awful lot like you do!
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