Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pregnancy update

I'm still pregnant. There is your update. 36 weeks, 4 days have passed.... 3 weeks and 3 days until my due date.

I'm feeling fine, it's a pretty boring pregnancy, but I like boring and uneventful. I guess last week was a fluke. Now I dont have swelling, it's just been a couple days where my fingers swell, but then I drink like 2-3 32 oz. cups of water, and I'm good. I havent gained weight in about 6 weeks (fine with me!), my blood sugar is good, and I try and work out at least 2-3 times a week. Although I have been so exhausted this week, I havent done squat. I keep trying to "clean" and organize, but I'm a little bit unmotivated. I think I'm a bit depressed actually. The thought that very soon I am going to go from being Sophia's mama, to being Sophia and Gianna's mama scares me.

I had a dream that I just kind of disregarded Gianna. I'd leave her somewhere and just be like, "oh, well". Not the best attitude to have towards your child. I did actually sleep last night.. Unisom is my new best friend :)


Mandi said...

I'm terrified of having 2 girls too! And I feel your exhaustion pain. Hopefully Gianna and Kara will make their appearances soon!

Trista said...

I like the idea of having two nieces rather than a niece and a nephew. I know what to buy girls for gifts. And when they get older, I think it will be more fun for me. Oh, and you. They ARE your kids after all.

I'm excited to see you all! :)

MoJoMama said...

Trista, i had no idea you had a blogger account. Do you have a blog??

Trista said...

No, no blog for me. I just have an account because it turns out I follow a LOT of blogs. So now (since you put your link on your facebook pictures), I have another GREAT one to follow. :)