Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One month

So one month has passed since Gianna was born. She's a beautiful little girl, that I am slowly getting to know a little more each day. The first week was definitely exhausting! I was in a huge daze, that is for sure. We were getting up every 3 hours to try and breastfeed, then to give formula, and for me to pump. So the process would take over an hour. WHEW! Weeks 2 and 3 consisted of getting frustrated with breastfeeding (I dont make alot of milk and Reglan does not settle well with me). Finally in the 4th week, we are finally getting into a bit of a routine. Gianna at 4 weeks is now going to bed around 10:30-11:30 at night and waking up around 4:30-5:30 in the morning. At least that is how it has been for 3 nights. I'm hoping it is actually a routine forming and not a fluke. After her first feeding, she goes to sleep again until 8:30-9:30a. She eats, and is not having some awake time... during the day! It's exciting because like I said, weeks 2 and 3 consisted of her having her days and nights backwards. Within a few hours she will eat again after having fallen asleep for a bit. I'm trying to get out of the house after we have eaten lunch. She is LOVING the park! She is awake, alert, and looking around when we head outside. Sometimes she'll take a nap, but for the most part she seems pretty content. By the late afternoon, she'll eat again and crash... I probably have worn her out from going out to the park or running errands. She'll have another bottle around when we eat dinner, then again around 8:30 after a bath, then finally at 10:30-11:30. In between all of those bottles she naps in and out or is awake looking at sister or laying on her leopard print blankie beind admired by one of us :)

So what do I know about Gianna so far. She hates, loathes, having a wet diaper. She enjoys being swaddled at night when we head to bed. That is opposite from Sophia. She is content with a pacifier, also unlike Sophia. She has an affinity for this crib vibrator thing we just started using in her bassinet. She is currently drinking about 4 oz. of milk every 3 to 4 hours. That seems ridiculous to me, but we burp her often and try and offer the paci to her after 3 ounces just to make sure she isn't just eating to suck on something. Usually she shoots it out, screams, makes a sucking motion with her mouth until we give her the rest of the bottle. Every now and then she is good with the 3 ounces, not often though. I swear she is starting to smile every now and then. She loves this tupperware rattle being lightly shaken in her face. She will stare at it and follow it. She loves taking a bath in warm water and gets so quiet when her hair is washed. She screams when we take her out, probably because she's cold. It's nice being able to give her real bath ever since her umbilical cord fell off at exactly 2 weeks (which she weighed 8# exactly... at one month she toppled the scale at 9# exactly!).

Anthony and I agree that she favors him more than me, and when we look at her we can see his dad and grandmothers face. She is a great mix of the two of us, that is for sure :)

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