Recently I got in touch with my old roommate, and she asked how I was. Of course, I couldn't tell her how I was, I had to tell her how my kids were. This is what I said:
"I am incredibly blessed with the family I have. My girls are wonderful :) Sophia is definitely my mini-me... I'm in for some long years ahead, lol. She's funny, some of the things she says cracks me up and I have no idea where they are coming from, and then Anthony looks at me and says, "You do know that sounds exactly like you, right?" Gianna is pretty laid back so far, except when it comes to eating (don't take your time getting her bottle!), but for the most part very happy and smiley."
Yes, it was straight from an email, but that really summed them up.
Oh Sophia... what am I going to do with you now that you are four! I know the last year has been difficult for you. You went from having a pregnant momma who couldn't even pick you up, to having to split your momma time with a baby. You sure are being a good sport, and LOVE your baby sister. You try so hard to make her smile, tickling her tummy, stroking her cheek, rubbing the top of her head... it really is so sweet! Sometimes you don't know when to stop, which can make things difficult, but I have to remind myself that you just love her so much. Lately you are living up to the term "ferocious fours"! It seems like the littlest things are setting you off. I need to figure something out quick, and make sure to be consistent. I am looking forward to moving soon so you have more space to run! You are definitely active, always on the go, making notes along the way. You are slowly learning to be "grown up" and have responsibilities, mainly keeping your room clean. Sometimes you're overly dramatic, saying things like "my arms don't work to clean up my room!" or even better... "my tummy says I can't clean".
Through all the tough times lately, I still love you. I can't believe how much you have grown. Your vocabulary blows me away. I remember just 2 years ago still rocking you to sleep (yes, I'm that mom and I don't care), now I can barely hold you in my arms long enough before you want to get down. I miss it, but I know it's a part of you growing up.
On to the wee-1...
I'm starting to get you figured out little one! You love when I tickle or stroke your cheek, it sure makes you smile in delight! When I talk to you, you definitely respond. You're staying awake alot more during the day, sleeping decent at night, usually an 8 hour stretch. Now if only I could go to sleep when you do! You're drinking 5 oz. when you wake up, and usually 4 oz. the rest of the day, anywhere from 25-29 oz a day (it varies). You're getting a cute little double chin and chunking up beautifully! You seem pretty patient except when it comes to getting your bottle when your hungry. I guess I don't blame you. Afterall... all you consume is milk :P I haven't quite figured out a schedule yet... you seem to go to bed at the same time, and wake up at the same time. Days are still iffy when it comes to when you take a decent nap, but that is alright. You are so smiley, I love it! You're doing good holding your head up, and really enjoy looking at the mobile on your swing. I noticed today that you seemed pretty mesmerized by the bubbles on your aquarium bouncer, so I guess your vision is getting bigger.
As for the rest of the Johnson family... we've hit a bit of a road block. The hubs and I are trying our hardest to keep our chins up, but it's been really hard with what we are going through. We have no idea what is in store for us, and it's been really stressful. I'm sure our stress and depression is not helping the 3-footers behavior (mental note... get some outside time with the 3-footer and wee-1 while the hubs is in Houston on a job interview). We have no idea where we will be in the next few months, much less next week. I'm starting to pack, purge stuff, etc. Just trying to get ready to jump ship at a moment's notice. I'll be sad to leave if we have to go, but at the same time I'll probably be saying "good riddance". The idea of not having to drive on the same road as a bunch of moronic college students who's parents have way too much money to spend on their children's BMW or uber-lifted diesel truck spewing crud in the air is kind of nice. That and the fact that I won't have to worry about running into people I'd like to punch in the face is a nice thought. However, the thought of leaving my friends, the one's I have leaned on during my low points, and laughed with during my high points, is so incredibly depressing. So if you if you pray to God (or Allah, or Gods, or whatever you choose to believe in... I don't judge :D... at this point every prayer counts), say one for the hubs and I, that we get through this rough patch.
On that depressing note, I leave you with some pictures of my beautiful girls... my now 4 year old beauty, and my 2 month old angel. Seriously, where do they get these huge brown eyes from??
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