Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12, 2009

Another update, so here goes...

The 3-footer is making friends in her new school and loving going to the YMCA with me. She up to 44 pounds last I checked, and pretty tall. She is enjoying her sister now that she is mobile and reacts to her by smiling and laughing. She will soon hopefully become pretty good friends with a little girl that moved in next door. I know she is excited about her. Her new favorite thing to do is "kareoke". At last that's what I'm calling it. My mom found an OLD toy of mine that I LOVED playing with. It was an AM/FM radio with microphone attached so you could sing along. You can see it here Cool, huh? She is getting really good about sounding words out to figure out the letters in them, and great at adding and subtracting numbers that sum up to 10.

The wee-1 is pulling up on furniture and walking all along it. She is just about 8 months!!! She is eating all sorts of food, made by me. She has definitely outgrown the snug-ride carseat, and is now going to sit rear-faced in the convertible Britax carseat. She also loves going to the gym with me. She does great with the ladies in there, and they do a good job with her. I'm very impressed with the quality of care they receive there. She is chatty, says a whole lot of "baaaas", "bah, bah, bah, bah", "mmmmm", "ahhhh!", and just all out squealing and screaming. She is much happier these days, but still has her moments. She is very attached to me, and if she is really REALLY upset, only I seem to calm her down.

The hubs is kicking a$$ in school, to say the least. He has a 4.0 there and finds himself tutoring a lot of people in his classes. When he's not schooling, he's working. He isn't enjoying it so much, but that is only because it is the same thing he has done for the last 10 years. He has had an epiphany though! He knows exactly what he wants to do when he's done with school. Same field he is in now, but more challenging.

I am doing well too. I spend my days at the Y, working out like a mad woman. I don't see too much change yet, but everyone else I see says they can tell, so I must be doing something right. I interviewed with a nursing program! They sent me a letter for an interview. I'll find out in a few weeks if I'm in or not. I'm nervous. Not so much about finding out... If I get in, great. If not, great. It's all God's will. I AM nervous about how things will work if I DO get accepted. One car, big city, both me and the hubs in school, two kids, barely covering our bases with the hubs part time job. I'm sure it will work out, it still makes me nervous.

Anyways, I will leave you with that. We are alive and well, which is so much more than I could ask for these days.

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