Sunday, September 13, 2009

Update on the 3-footer and wee-1

The 3-footer has started preschool here in the new home town. We are getting settled at my sister's, finally finding our niche. It's hard sometimes, but we will get through it. Anyways, the 3-footer is going to preschool 2x a week. She is loving it. We are slowly making a circle of friends (both her and I). She, as always, cracks me up saying things like "oaKmeal" instead of oaTmeal. She has become sort of addicted to TV (I can only blame myself... it's been hard trying to juggle two kids and adjusting. So sue me! Actually, please don't because I don't have any money!). Tomorrow I start a new goal to do something fun and different with the girls each day. They need to learn and experience things, and I'm holding her back so I can take care of other things (thus, turning on the tv). Last weekend we went to the MOTHER of all candy stores. That was fun :) She also went to the Disney store, and came out with two little plastic figurines of Cinderella (who likes slightly scary and manly... CinderFella perhaps?) and Ariel. She has decided she wants to grow her hair back out, which I am COMPLETELY ok with! I hated cutting her hair in the first place, but she asked me to do it, so I did. I need to look into putting her in dance. Soccer too. She keeps asking to do those things. Mental note made. I'll be calling on Monday :)

She is learning to keep her room clean, thanks to me and the label maker. I may have gone a *tad* bit overboard labeling things, but to each his own, even if it is slightly OCDish. I hear her playing more and more make believe. I hear her telling her "kids" to hold hands as we cross the parking lot, or reading to her "students". I don't see them, but obviously the must be there if she's talking to them, right? It really takes me back to being a child playing school by myself or house. She plays with her Barbies by making them talk to each other and go places, opposed to just dressing them and yanking their hair (yanking, brushing... same difference).

The wee-1 has had TONS of milestones since I last posted about them. I don't really remember what I wrote, so forgive me for repeating. She sits up by herself, goes from the tummy to sitting, back to tummy, tummy to back, a slight crawl/lunge/army crawl thing going on, pulls herself up in the crib and toy box, has been saying "maa maa maaa maaaaaa" when she is crying and upset, cutting the two bottom teeth, drinking about 4-6 6 oz. bottles per day, and about to start eating 3 small meals a day. Today was oatmeal with prunes and cinnamon for breakfast, and lunch was broccoli, cauliflower, yellow squash and spinach all pureed up. She is really attached to me, and lays her head on me now when someone approaches her. Kind of in a "protect me Mama" sort of way, even though she is smiling. Her hair is growing out, and is pretty long on the sides. I could literally make two teeny tiny piggy tails... another mental note made :)

The hubs has started school and work. Wait... did I say work?? That's right! The hubs has found the perfect part time job. He is able to do both school and work during the week, and his job is completely flexible as to when he comes in. School is cake for him... totally easy. I guess being a brainiac has it's pros. He is so smart, it seems like it just comes naturally to him. We shall see what the future has in store for him. I can only imagine bigger and better things, especially when he finishes with school.

And so now that just leaves me... I'm doing two classes online this semester. Nutrition and sociology. So far, so good, but that is only because I am only taking the nutrition course at the moment. The nutrition course is a 16 week course, but the sociology is an 8 week course taught the second 1/2 of the semester. Things have been crazy busy... that is one reason for my lack of posts. The other is because the computer I use sucks and freezes up all the time. (BTW, forgive me if I haven't answered an email or something to you in a while). I could be chatting with someone on facebook and it will just sit there. I'm sure the person on the other end is calling me names or something.... if they could only understand :P! Other things keeping me busy... well, the kids for one. I've gotten used to having the hubs around to help me out, but now it's back to being just me, both day and nights courtesy of school and work. I applied to the nursing program for spring entrance. It's just a waiting game now. We shall see. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be. I'm going to go ahead and do what I need to do, but otherwise I'm not going to stress about it anymore.

I know I need to post pictures soon, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Hopefully soon because the girls are getting big!

1 comment:

Big Fat Gini said...

Um. How could you forget to mention the job when I talked to you last night!!!! Congrats Mr. No Affiliation to the Soap!

Ah! I can't wait to see you guys this weekend!